UX/UI Design / Micro Animation
UX/UI Design / Micro Animation
UX/UI Design / Micro Animation
A marketplace for design assets:
graphics, fonts, UI/UX templates, mockups and more.
A marketplace for design assets:
graphics, fonts, UI/UX templates, mockups and more.
A marketplace for design assets:
graphics, fonts, UI/UX templates, mockups and more.
Street Art has become more and more popular in the last few year with international artists like Banksy and Endless and local like Dede, Nitzan Mintz, Prettimess and other exhibiting in galleries and museums.
However when you take the Street Art from the street it loses its context. Thats the problem i wanted to solve and thats why i created this project - to allow people to experience the Street Art in the context it was made originally.
Street Art has become more and more popular in the last few year with international artists like Banksy and Endless and local like Dede, Nitzan Mintz, Prettimess and other exhibiting in galleries and museums.
However when you take the Street Art from the street it loses its context. Thats the problem i wanted to solve and thats why i created this project - to allow people to experience the Street Art in the context it was made originally.
Street Art has become more and more popular in the last few year with international artists like Banksy and Endless and local like Dede, Nitzan Mintz, Prettimess and other exhibiting in galleries and museums.
However when you take the Street Art from the street it loses its context. Thats the problem i wanted to solve and thats why i created this project - to allow people to experience the Street Art in the context it was made originally.
graphic designer in tel aviv, interactive designer in tel aviv, ux, ui. ux/ui, product design, interactive design, graphic design, freelance designer
חלק מהמחקר שערכתי בפרוייקט גמר של שנה ראשונה בו הייתי צריך לייצר שפה חזותית בהשראת מקום מסויים. המקום בו בחרתי היה הבית של סבתי אשר עומד נטוש זה כבר זמן רב. התעמתתי בפרוייקט בין הזכרונות שלי מהמקום לבין ההזנחה והמראה שלו כיום, אם זאת משהו במחקר הויזואלי בחרתי להציג כעבודה נפרדת בשם הזנחה.